
Showing posts from 2019


Hi! Welcome to the start of my blog. First and foremost, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Jonas Mari. I'm a Philippine immigrant, who pretty much grew up in San Jose, CA (USA). I have varying interests, which include food, tennis, music, healthy leadership principles and most importantly gospel-centered Christianity. If you know me well, the last one is very important to me, and I hope I get the opportunity to tell you more about that. I'm also a data & analytics professional with most of my experience in business analytics, business intelligence, data science, sales & marketing and organizational strategy. Most people who meet me for the first time don't peg me as a data guy. I've been told that I have the demeanor of sales professional with the inclinations of a business analytics professional. I'm starting this blog at the behest of a good friend of mine. I'm not sure yet about what topics I will write about, but even if only a sele...